Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Finding Paralee's Papa: Now What?

Great grandma Armenta Paralee Howerton Laird was born in 1862 in War Eagle Township Arkansas, a year after the Civil War began. Susan Laird, her mama, would have been about 19 or 20 years old. Stella describes to a cousin where we are in the search for Paralee’s daddy as follows...  

“We were intrigued that both the 1870 and 1880 census listed these kids as being Howertons. After beating the bushes for the father of our great grandmother we discovered a Howerton family living "next door". This family included two young brothers, William born 1843 and James Nathan Howerton born 1845.

William died at the battle of Chickamauga in 1863. And if younger brother, James Nathan fought in the Civil War (at age 16) he appears to have lived through it. Our great grandmother's little brother, James Riley Howerton Laird was born in 1867.  Also the custom of naming first sons after their fathers points to James Nathan as the papa.

Now this might seem like a pretty sketchy info to conclude James Nathan Howerton is our great great grandfather. But once we DNA tested a whole lot of Howerton matches began to come our way.  From DNA testing we feel we have pretty much nailed the Howerton family from which great grandma Armenta Paralee Laird Howerton descended.  Circumstances point to James Nathan Howerton as her father." 

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